Despite tremendous advances in treatment and diagnosis, infectious diseases remain a threat to patients. In recent years, strategies to prevent and control emerging infectious diseases (including the COVID-19 pandemic) and the rise of antimicrobial resistance have been prioritized at national, international and global levels.
Advances in medicine also mean that there is a group of vulnerable patients, such as those receiving immunomodulatory therapies, major surgery or organ transplants, who may develop opportunistic or healthcare-associated infections.
Due to advances in medicine, there is also a group of vulnerable patients, e.g. with immunomodulatory therapies, after major surgical procedures or organ transplants, who can develop opportunistic or healthcare-associated infections.
The Comprehensive Center for Infection Medicine (CCIM) enables close cooperation between all institutions and professional groups at the Medical University of Vienna and Vienna General Hospital in the areas of prevention and hygiene, antibiotic therapy and antibiotic management, microbiological diagnostics of infections as well as vaccinations and prophylaxis.